Raffles News VoI.90 October 2023

Raffles Featured at Dek-D’s TCAS Fair

Raffles International College recently participated in the Dek-D’s TCAS fair at BITEC Bangna On October 7-8, 2023, where students of all ages indulged in various fun activities. We were ecstatic to be a part of this amazing event!

Dek-D’s portfolio clinic was one of the many fun and educational activities held at the fair. Here, students were able to get feedback on their portfolios from experts as well as senior students. Another fun and educational activity held at the fair was the IELTS Test Room, where students were able to take the test and assess their English proficiency. The fair also featured a variety of other educational and entertaining activities.

The Raffles booth was staffed by friendly staff who were happy to answer any queries students had about the college and the programmes it offered. Our expert consultants gave out all the information needed to know about Raffles International College Bangkok, with an emphasis on our top-rated fashion design program. We also gave out some nice gifts, including clothes, folders, and bags to students who showed interest in us.

We were delighted with the outpour of love and support we received from our students. We extend our sincerest appreciation for their loyalty and faith in our institution. We look forward to connecting with you and being a part of your future.

Web Design 2, The Perfect Blend of Beauty and Functionality

Raffles International College Bangkok recently organized a final web design project for our graphic design students. This project provided a platform for students to showcase their creativity in website design.

To create a website, the students had to master several aspects, including the fundamentals of website functionalities. A website had to be both functional and visually appealing. If it lacks functionality, users will not have a pleasant experience while using it. Hence, this project was crucial for the students to comprehend the user experience.

As part of their coursework, the students were assigned to develop an e-commerce website for selling products, and it was crucial to make sure that the website had an efficient payment system in place. The students had to ensure that the website was easy to navigate and user-friendly. Once they completed their websites, the students presented their projects to the lecturer for feedback.

The outcome of the project was remarkable as all the students designed exceptional and distinctive websites. They demonstrated their grasp of the core principles of website designing and presented them flawlessly. This project proved to be an exemplary platform for the students to showcase their creativity and acquire vital skills.

An Interesting Tour at Learn Satit Pattana School

Recently, a group from Raffles International College Bangkok visited Learn Satit Pattana School (LSP) for a tour. We were delighted to see LSP’s gorgeous environment and were pleasantly surprised by the welcoming atmosphere of LSP students.

During our visit to LSP, we had the opportunity to introduce the LSP students to Raffles International College Bangkok while discussing our distinct method of learning, which involves working closely with our instructor. Additionally, we were able to showcase some of our innovative programmes to the students, allowing them to gain a better understanding of the experience of studying at Raffles.

The visit also included a marketing workshop for LSP students. By allowing the kids to collaborate in groups, we added some excitement to the workshop. Students learned how to enhance a product by identifying customers’ needs and conducting research. Following that, Students presented their concepts to the Raffle committee and then to their peers.

Overall, the results of the students’ research and presentations were astounding. They gained valuable marketing knowledge, and we anticipate that they will continue to advance. We would be delighted to welcome them to Raffles International College Bangkok.