Raffles News VoI.76 March 2023

Amazing Work by History of Costume Students

We visited lecturer Valentine’s classroom to check out student presentations in History of Costume I. Students were tasked with designing a doll outfit from a time period assigned to them and then presenting it to the class. We were truly impressed by the results! 

In History of Costume, students are given an overview of how clothing has changed throughout the major historical eras. They are also taught to recognise the key details of silhouettes, fabrics, and accessories that are specific to each era. 

We give you the peak of the 18th century period, which influenced not only fashion but also art, architecture, and interior design.


In opposition to the Louis XIV style which is more formal and geometric, the Rococo style emerged in France in the 1730s. Then it expanded to other regions of Europe, including northern Italy, Austria, southern Germany, Central Europe, and Russia.

The basis of Rococo fashion was extravagance, grace, refinement, and embellishment. The true Rococo style of dress for women in this century was rich and elegantThese styles reached the upper class’s salons and cafés in addition to the royal court. The Rococo style brings to people who wear it an exuberant, humorous, and attractive style of decorating and design.

Check out the students’ work from this project, which is now on display at the library. 

No Need To Eat Out: The Common Ground Cafe Is Now Serving Food

We know our students love to spend time at the Common Ground cafe between classes and during breaks. Now, you can enjoy a meal there too! Raffles is happy to announce that in addition to its usual coffee and soft drinks, the Common Ground cafe now serves hot food. Get your fill of both food and drink without leaving campus. Take a look at the menu we provide in our cafe

  • Boiled Rice
  • Chicken Fried Rice
  • Pad Ka Phao with Rice
  • Chicken Mixed Salad
  • AOP Spaghetti
  • Pork Bolognese Spaghetti
  • Berry Panna Cotta
  • Lemon Tard

For updates on what our chef will serve, keep checking our menu. The Common Ground cafe is open every day from 9.00 a.m. until 3.30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Chavas Liang-ampai, Pizza Hut COO Visits As Guest Speaker

Mr. Chavas Liang-ampai, the Chief Operating Officer of the Pizza Hut Company, visited the Business Administration students at Raffles International College Bangkok on Friday, February 24th and shared his work experiences to students.

Mr. Chavas has extensive experience in a variety of retail enterprises, such as food and beverage outlets, convenience stores, department stores, shopping malls, and fashion and beauty retailers. He shared his knowledge with Raffles business students regarding the retail industry, particularly logistics and supply management, and recount his experiences working as COO of Pizza Hut Company Thailand.

His is a great learning experience that Raffles always supported to our students though hand-on experiences and learning from people who really are in the industry.

For more information about our 2.5-year Business programme, contact our education consulting team at