Raffles News VoI.91 November 2023

The Wonderful Reminiscence of Raffles the Haunting Day

The “Haunting Day” at Raffles is over, and we want to thank all the students who participated in our “Raffles Haunting Day”. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to put on such an amazing event.

The costumes of the attendants were aesthetically pleasing and captivating, demonstrating the creativity and meticulousness of the event. It was evident that the participants had invested a great deal of effort in their costumes. Our ghost snacks were a popular addition to the event, and the spooky snacks were both tastefully presented and aesthetically pleasing, contributing to the overall ambiance of the atmosphere.

The evening’s activities were of a high caliber. The Balloon War event was wild and fierce! It heightened everyone’s competitive spirit. Everyone had a blast jumping around popping balloons, and dodging attacks. The Throne to Heaven event also provided an atmosphere that encouraged attendees to dance and laugh and was an enjoyable addition to the evening. The Ghost Costume Contest, however, was the night’s highlight and was by far the most intimidating event of the evening. The costumes presented were truly awe-inspiring, making it difficult for the judges to decide who should be crowned the winner.

All in all, this event was one of a kind. Thank you to all who attended and made it an amazing experience. We look forward to seeing you at our next one, and we promise you it will be just as magical.

Orientation for New Students in October 2023

On Friday, October 20th, 2023, Raffles International College inaugurated its auditorium to welcome new students. Lecturers from various programmes, such as design and business, alongside staff from VISA and Student administration services, came in to extend a warm greeting to the students who had just commenced their academic journey this year.

In this event, Ms. Valentine, together with Student Administration Services and VISA Services, presented to the students the various aspects of academic instruction, social community life, and some of the basic guidelines required to know while they are studying at Raffles International College.

Following the event, Raffles International College arranged a special lunch meeting at The Common Ground Cafe for all new students to socialize and have fun together. RIC created a pleasing and calming atmosphere for the students, which was a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, establish friendships, and build social connections that will be beneficial in the future.

Raffles International College is thrilled to see that the new students had a great time participating in the activities and would like to extend a warm welcome to all of them. Raffles hopes that the students will have an amazing time studying here and wishes them the best of luck in all of their academic pursuits.

History of costume 2

The students of Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, and Fashion Management have collaborated on an exciting project called “Doll Costume Design” under the guidance of their lecturer, Ms. Valentine Vu. This project has provided students with an opportunity to design costumes based on the fashion trends and styles of different decades. The costumes showcased in this project belong to the Rococo and Crinoline eras.

As part of the project, the students conducted research on fashion history and created a costume that reflected the time period they were interested in. They then brought this outfit to life by making a doll version of it. This provided them with valuable hands-on experience in sewing and drafting, while also deepening their understanding of the history of fashion.

This project is an excellent illustration of how studying the history of fashion can be combined with practical experiments to create a tangible outfit. The process of researching, drafting, sewing, and completing the attire provides a valuable hands-on experience that will benefit the students in the future.

In a nutshell, the Doll Costume Design project is an appealing endeavor that merges history, imagination, and practical skills. This project exposed students to the knowledge of fashion history and equipped them with the know-how to construct a costume. This project will certainly encourage upcoming fashion designers and costume makers.