Raffles News VoI.77 March 2023

Creative Village Fashion Show

Raffles Bangkok was honored to showcase its fashion design students’ work at the Creative Village event held at Kasetsart University on March 15th, 2023. The event featured many art activities and contests, including a fashion show. Four of our fashion design students presented their collections and became an inspiration to aspiring fashion designers. Read more about their collections below.

BLOOD MOON is a collection by KRIPA SHRESTHA, a Raffles fashion design student, inspired by greek drapes and the movie Suspiria.

GHOSTLY SOUL is a collection by JA SENG NAN (LYDIA). The inspiration for her collection was the 19th century, or the Victorian era. Through her designs, Lydia communicates the sadness of losing a loved one. She also captured the nostalgia she feels for her hometown in Myanmar during a time of loss, change, and hope for rebirth.

BRIDGERTON MOOD is a collection by WALILEE CHOOSUWAN. This collection was inspired by the tone and style of the TV series Bridgerton. The color palette and design style both came from the fashion shown in the series. This collection mixes modern and streetwear styles.

THE ACID is a collection by PHONEPASEUTH PHENGMEUANGKHOUN. His collection focuses on exploration, trying out different materials and forms of self-expression. He made his designs with the idea of a hypothetical winter season in Thailand in mind. The designer said, “Acid means something that is corrosive. Acid is fine on its own, but always devours whatever is weaker than it. I wanted my project to represent the words ‘overwhelm’ and ‘devour’.”

It was a privilege to see our talented fashion design students showcase their collections and be able to share their stories and inspiration with the audience. We are proud of their hard work and dedication to their craft.

Suvarnabhumi Airport Field Trip

On March 10th, 2023, a group of Business Administration students had the privilege of participating in a field trip to Suvarnabhumi Airport led by Dr. Sasirin Sayasonti. Students from different classes, including Customs and Regulations, Business Statistics, and Business Creativity and Innovation had the opportunity to learn about the customs system and its related business innovations in Thailand. They also met with special AOT lecturers who shared their experiences with Thai Customs, providing valuable knowledge and practical skills.