How Students Can Still Learn Fashion and Design Online In 2020 & 2021

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For many hands-on courses, one might think that learning these subjects online would be impossible and unthinkable to do. However, with modern technology and some creativity these courses are being taught currently and efficiently online. Here is an inside look at how these online courses are being conducted for many students learning online these days in 2020 and most likely beyond in the coming years 2021 and so on.

First, how does a hands-on learning class involve the learner in an online university course? Most people would imagine that university students mostly read text or watch videos to take these online courses, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth especially with online courses such as fashion design at Raffles International College Bangkok 

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There is actually a way to entirely engage students online by lecturers incorporating activities that are authentic and apply real-world related tasks as well as knowledge of the content. Video is a pivotal application in conducting these online lessons that engage students into the lessons and bridge the communication gap between the lecturer and the students as well as students with their classmates. For instance, in the online course: fashion design at Raffles International College Bangkok, students who work on their drawings and sketches could work simultaneously with one another with video applications such as FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, etc. Most importantly, the lecturer can still conduct the class on these online platforms in real time to help instruct and guide students step by step on hands-on lessons online. Not only this, but students will have their own equipment to use while taking the online courses along with their classmates; for example, sewing students will use their own sewing machines as lecturers talk them through each step. Regardless of the engagement method, it is important that lecturers continue their interaction with each section of their curriculum to help students feel a heightened sense of engagement with regular updates about current and future activities. Furthermore, videos can be made that students can take at their own leisure and pace of learning. Quite a few students tend to be visual learners and videos can be slowed down and even played back again to help enforce the students’ understanding of the online lesson.

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Second, how can students collaborate on their work? There certainly isn’t a lack of ways for university students to communicate online. Other than the video applications previously mentioned for real time interaction, groups of students can collaborate on a regular basis via discussion boards, emails, group phone calls, video conferencing, social media, etc. There are a variety of ways that students can stay engaged online especially outside of lessons if one needs help from another classmate on a project or lesson.

 Finally, a clear and consistent structure is implemented from the start of the online courses to give students a clear vision of what they can expect to learn for the semester. The online location of these materials and info is always located in the same online platforms and in the same format. Things are clear and simple so there is no confusion for those transitioning into an online learning environment and that is certainly the case for online courses that mostly use a hands-on approach to learning in its curriculum.
