How Courses Are Being Taught Online With Fashion & Design

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When thinking of university classes that mostly utilize hands-on learning, it can be difficult to imagine how these classes can even begin to be conducted 100% online. As difficult and unimaginable as it might seem, it can be done and it has. We can take a look at a couple of online courses, like fashion design and fashion marketing management, from universities such as Raffles International College Bangkok as an example of how hands-on courses are being taught online. 

Students learning fashion design and fashion marketing management conduct their practical and studio classes by having demonstrations that are supported by online video technologies that allow the student and lecturer to interact. Not only does it let the students interact with the lecturer, but it can allow students to collaborate with their classmates at the same time as well. Thus, the lecturer can guide and instruct students simultaneously to a class of students on these video platforms particularly Zoom to name one. There are other platforms such as Skype to also use. Additional videos can also be made by the lecturer and can be sent to students who can learn at their own pace and leisure from the comforts of their home or other space of their choice.

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How can these students apply hands-on learning you might be wondering especially when specific equipment is needed to use to learn these lessons. For instance, with online courses in fashion design and fashion marketing management at Raffles International College Bangkok, students who sew are supplied with their own equipment such as owning sewing machines and other sewing essentials for hand sewing. The lecturers talk them through each step while they use these things as they normally would in a real in-person class. For hand sewing it is scaled down to 1/4th size.

Regardless of the type of hands-on class, whether it be fashion or some other course in design, it can be adapted to be taught online. Not only that, but courses can still be conducted in an engaging manner depending on the lecturers and their curriculum. If you curious to know more why not check out some of these online courses here

Now is a great time to start learning online courses especially in 2020 with being at home during quarantine and having lots of free time. So, why not spend it productively and learn something! Make a difference with your time by taking the initiative to be productive by taking online courses. 

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