Psychology programme overview

Psychology programme provide a deep understanding of human behavior, cognition, and emotion. Students will explore various psychological theories, research methods, and practical applications, preparing them for careers in counseling, research, or human resources.

Career Opportunities

These are the career opportunities that await you.

  • Psychologist
  • Psychometrist/Clinician
  • Substance Abuse Counselor
  • Psychiatric Technician
  • Human Resource Personnel
  • Marriage and Family Therapist

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)


This module will provide students with an introduction to key concepts in psychology, with an emphasis on psychological research methods and social psychology.

The module covers the major theories of infant and child development, including family relationships.

This module will introduce students to psychological research methods and statistical analysis as a basis for developing their research skills.

Students will learn key study skills and academic strategies.

This module will provide students with an introduction to key concepts in psychology, with an emphasis on cognition and psychological disorders and treatment.

This module will examine the philosophical and historical contributions to psychological theory and research and evaluate their relevance today.

Students will learn theories of motivation and how motivation influences emotions.

Students will learn the major learning theories used in psychology.

This module will provide students with an introduction to key concepts in psychology, with an emphasis on cognition and psychological disorders and treatment.

This module will introduce students to the psychological concepts of group dynamics, leadership and organizational behavior as a basis for more specialist modules in organizational psychology.

This module is part 1 of 2 in Abnormal Psychology. This course will provide a broad survey of what is abnormal behavior. Emphasis will be placed on a scientific, empirical view. The primary focus of the course is the description of various symptoms, syndromes and illnesses, with research and theories concerning their etiology.

Explores the elements that lead to successful adjustment in family living. Additionally, students will focus on the process of internal family development — the changing relationships of parents and children at successive stages of the cycle of family life.

This module is an introduction to the principles and techniques for data visualization. The module aims to provide students both the working knowledge of and practical experience using visual representation methods and techniques to the identification of patterns, trends and differences in and between data sets across categories, space, and time. Students will learn how to detect and articulate the stories behind data sets and communicate data findings in visual, oral, and written contexts for various audiences and publics.


This module focuses on the biological, psychological, and social factors that affect health and illness. It addresses how behavior can influence health, wellness, and illness.

This course provides a broad overview of the theories and methods of social psychology. The emphasis of the course is on the scientific understanding of individual behavior in its social context. Topics to be discussed include impression formation, interpersonal attraction, prejudice and discrimination, attitudes, aggression, group psychology, and personality.

This module will further develop students’ understanding of different psychological research techniques and methods.

This module provides students with a sound understanding of cognitive psychology as a preparation for practice in the field. The module will focus on attention, perception and memory with relevant laboratory activities to enrich theoretical knowledge and applications to real life problems.

Students will learn classical and contemporary psychological theories for analyzing and evaluating individual differences.

This module provides the students with fundamentals of cultural psychology and their implications for current/future practice in the context of a multi-cultural society and/or workplace.

This module introduces students to organizational psychology and behavior from theoretical and practical perspectives.

This module provides students with the knowledge and understanding to evaluate and influence consumer behavior using psychological theories and practices.

This module provides students with a sound understanding of cognitive psychology as a preparation for practice in the field. The module will focus on language, thinking, decision-making, judgment, reasoning and problem-solving with relevant laboratory activities to enrich theoretical knowledge and applications to real life problems.

This module will provide the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in Abnormal Psychology I. Students will learn and apply diagnostic criteria and case formulations to the assessment of mental disorders.

This module is part 1 of 2 on Neuropsychology which will introduce students to understanding human brain-behavior relationships. Emphasis will be placed on commonly used approaches in the assessment and measurement of human behavior and how the human brain affects cognition, language, memory, spatial processing, emotion, and personality.

This module has been developed to promote an understanding of key concepts of quality management as it applies to today’s organizations.


The course covers the research process and design, hypothesis testing and correlational, regression analysis, and univariate statistics.

Students will learn advanced psychological methods to analyze and develop solutions for social problems.

This subject introduces students to the field of counselling & psychotherapy. The topics will cover key concepts on counseling and therapeutic interventions.

This module will provide students with an introduction to psychological assessment. The course tackles the fundamental goals and principles of psychological assessment in both applied and theoretical contexts. It will provide a survey of key areas of relevance in psychological assessment across a variety of settings.

This module is designed to provide guided working/research experience to students. The student is expected to produce an original piece of research in an applied setting.

The objective of this module is to have students develop a broader perspective of business through the development of a strategic HR viewpoint. This viewpoint will require that students learn the functional tools (HR practices) of HR management as well as the broader business issues of strategy and competitive analysis. Students will be introduced to the critical business skills of planning and managing strategic activities, through a general management perspective to HRM.

This module is part 2 of 2 on Neuropsychology which will introduce students to understanding human brain-behavior relationships. Emphasis will be placed on commonly used approaches in the assessment and measurement of human behavior and how the human brain in responsible for cognition, language, memory, spatial processing, emotion, and personality. Students will gain understanding of principles of brain organization, individual differences, and professional and clinical issues in neuropsychology.

This module provides students with a firm grounding for practice with an in-depth examination of the dynamics of aging from the biological, psychological, psychosocial and sociological aspects.

This module is designed to provide guided working/research experience to students. The student is expected to produce an original piece of research in an applied setting.

The objective of this module is to provide students with practical experience in applying psychological methodologies in an area of particular interest to the student with an organization while under the guidance of supervisor from both university and organization.