Raffles Times VoI.112 September 2024

Raffles Celebrates Goodbye July Intake Party

Raffles International College hosted a farewell July intake party to make the month of July memorable because it passed by so swiftly. We wish to honor the diligence and hard work of our students as  we take great pride in having contributed to their success. The Olympic-themed event was an exciting and entertaining opportunity to thank them for their efforts and to showcase our cross-cultural learning.
A special thank you goes out to our Interior Design students, who did an amazing job preparing the event. Their creativity and talent made the party truly special, making it a multi-cultural celebration. We provided a wide variety of food and beverages for everyone to enjoy, including pizza, chicken, and donuts. No one went hungry since there was enough food and drink for everyone.
We planned several entertaining games for the students to take part in to further enhance their enjoyment of the occasion. These consisted of musical chairs, darts competitions, and bingo. The games created a great deal of excitement and hilarity, making the celebration one that everyone will remember and demonstrating our dedication to extracurricular and student events.
It is our hope that the Farewell July Intake Party was a huge success and that our students are eager and prepared for the forthcoming semester. It gives us great pleasure to provide them with an international learning environment, and we anticipate their ongoing success at Raffles International College.

Interior Design Field Trip at The Forestias Forest Pavilion

Recently, the Interior Design students from Raffles International College indulged in an exciting field trip to The Forestias Forest Pavilion, organized by MQDC. This impressive property project is located in the Bangna districts in Bangkok pronvince. The purpose of the visit was to give students a real-world experience of witnessing how the low large-scale building and interior design projects come to life. 
The Forestia Forest Pavilion is part of a major development project focusing on sustainability and blending urban living with nature. The students had the chance to witness how the designers and architects have created spaces that are both beautiful and environmentally friendly. This is important because sustainable design is becoming increasingly popular and necessary in our world today.
At the same on this visit, the interior design students were taken on a tour of the Pavilion where they witnessed the different types of buildings and interiors that were part of the project. They also learned about the materials and techniques used to make the buildings sustainable. The students were able to ask questions and get insights from the experts who worked on the project, enhancing their educational experiences. Field trip opportunities like this provide invaluable exposure to practical challenges for our student to acknowledge.
This field excursion provided an important experience for the students . It allowed our students to observe how the theories they learned in classroom were implemented in real life. They also understood the difficulties of working on a major project like The Forestias. This sort of experience is beneficial to their studies and to their future professions as interior designers. All in all, Hands-on experiences are essential for improving practical skills and knowledge

Raffles International College Visits Satit SWU

On August 28th, 2024, Raffles International College had the pleasure of visiting Satit SWU, also known as Srinakharinwirot University Demonstration School Prasarnmit. This day was unique since several top universities were also present to promote their programmes, and we were thrilled to be a part of it.
Our booth at the event showcased the key features of our bachelor’s degree in design and business. We emphasized our strong curriculum and the various scholarship opportunities available for students. We were excited to see that many students showed great interest in what we had to offer, it was heartwarming to see their enthusiasm and curiosity.
We also gave away gifts to the students. These included tote bags, pens, candy, and Raffles water. It was our way of saying thank you for their interest and making them feel special. The event was a wonderful opportunity for us to connect with young, eager minds and share the exciting opportunities that await them at Raffles International College. We hope that the students enjoyed our booth and found the information useful.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Satit SWU for providing this fascinating and exciting activity. It was a wonderful experience, and we hope to welcome many of the students to our campus in the future. Thank you once again for having us, and we look forward to seeing you soon!