
A “New Normal” Songkran

Hello, Raffles readers! Right now, you are probably thinking about plans for your long holiday during the upcoming Songkran festival. Nevertheless, as you know, we must celebrate cautiously and responsibly to manage the ongoing worldwide pandemic.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has announced the Covid-19 control guidelines for Songkran 2021 from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. This year, Songkran is allowed to be held as usual including religious practices and ceremonies, such as sprinkling water on Buddha statues or pouring water onto the elderly’s palms to ask for their blessing. However, the activities that attract a large gathering of people, such as the major tradition of water splashing, have been banned. For our safety, we will have to skip it this year, as well as parties and concerts.

Any traditional activities with more than 300 participants must submit a proposal to their local community’s Disease Control office. Any activities with more than 100 participants must be held outdoors and also require approval in advance.

Residents of Bangkok are advised to avoid parties, not to gather with people from different areas, and to abide by social distancing rules. If anyone violates these rules, they will be subject to a jail term of up to 2 years and a fine of up to 40,000 Baht or both. You can have fun celebrating, but you need to be responsible for others. Enjoy a safe Songkran holiday!

Photo source : //www.freepik.com/photos/water’>Water photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com

Here is guidance during the Songkran festival in 2021 to reduce the spread of Covid-19

What you should and shouldn’t do during the Songkran festival in 2021

Should do :

Keeping in touch online

Send messages to your family members through online channels

Practicing religious activities at home

For exmple you can pay respect to the Bhudda image by sprinkle water at home

Keeping distance from your elders

Pay respect to elders by prostrating 1-2 meters away and wearing face masks

Should not do :

Returning to your hometown

People who work outside their home provinces should not return home

Gathering of large group

Do not gathering of large group for activities

pay respect to elders in close distance

Don’t pay respect to elders in close distance

How to Keep Growing During Covid-19

Source : https://www.themuse.com/advice/covid-19-career-growth-tips

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed your life and your way of living. Some of you might have to work or study from home. It may seem like Covid-19 has disturbed your career growth or your education path. But if you learn to adapt and overcome these circumstances, you can turn these obstacles into opportunities for personal and professional development. So how do you do that? Here are some tips for growth during this pandemic.


01 Identify your goal and focus on it.

You probably have visited a 7-Eleven or a department store before without having a plan for what you want to purchase. The result is that you spend more time than you intended and buy things that you don’t need. Sometimes, our lives are like that. If you don’t have a clear goal in mind, you can end up wasting your time. Once you decide what you are working toward, then you should begin to think about what skills or experience you will need to achieve your goal. If you’re struggling to figure out what you need to pursue, go to LinkedIn and find people with roles that you would love to have and look at their profiles and resumes. Making a list of what skills you need to succeed will clarify the next steps you need to take.


03 Take online courses to strengthen your existing skills and learn new ones.

There are a lot of online courses that you can take on your own time to set yourself up for future career opportunities. Many of these are available after class or after work to suit your schedule. Refer back to the list or plan you made earlier of skills you need to reach your goal. You can find online classes on websites such as Coursera, Udemy, Alison or LinkedIn. No matter your age, you are never too young or too old to learn something new. Don’t let anything stop you!



02 Grow and maintain your network.

Having strong connections with people is a must for career growth. Your friends, or a friend of a friend, may know people who are hiring or have some insight that can aid your professional development. During the Covid-19 pandemic, you may not be able to meet your friends or new people in person, but you can always take advantage of technology. You can join online communities where you will find people who have the same interests or field of work as you. You get to make meaningful social connections at the same time that you are learning and progressing your career


04 Take control of your self-development through books, podcasts and more.

After a while in lockdown, your creative juices may be running dry. You may also feel overwhelmed because you think you don’t have the same opportunities that you used to. If you’re in this state of mind, books, podcasts, documentaries or even YouTube videos might be a way to keep learning and developing, as well as a way to receive creative inspiration. Do whatever you can to make learning enjoyable. We are in a world that is overflowing with information and we have the tools to access it. There are thousands of podcasts, books or other forms of media which exist to teach people how to do anything they can imagine. If you are too busy to enroll in a class or join an online community, make a commitment to read or listen to a podcast that will help you grow for 5 minutes a day. These small investments in yourself add up. Listening or reading will spark ideas and keep you mindful of your goals for personal and professional development.

These are some tips for your personal growth, but just reading them won’t do anything — you have to take action. After finishing this article, find a moment to just sit on your own and think about what your goals are, and then what you need to do to get closer to achieving them. If you want to learn directly from a professional who specialises in the field you are pursuing, you can come to Raffles. We provide courses specifically tailored for our students so that each individuals learns how to use their skills to their full potential. Check out our courses at the link below for more information. Raffles’Courses


Raffles Virtual Campus Tour

We understand that the Covid-19 pandemic may be preventing you from coming to Raffles in person, but don’t worry. If you want to see our campus, check out our Raffles Virtual Campus Tour with EC Kan. She will show you around our campus at Raffles International College Bangkok. Be our guest and let us guide you through a virtual tour of our classes, workshops, library, green spaces, and other facilities. If you have any questions, just fill in the form below and we will contact you shortly.