Designing Delivery

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Interview with Product Design student: Thitiwat Tangkitplaiboon

1.What is your project? Please describe what it is exactly.

“My project is a Delivery Scooter concept. I used an existing scooter, redesigned some parts of the scooter, and built a model from scratch.”

2.What is it used for?

“It was designed to be used in the delivery parcel market.”

3.How did you get inspired or think of this project in the beginning?

“I was inspired by my self-interest in scooters and motorcycles. I decided to choose delivery areas because nowadays parcel delivery and food delivery are very popular in Bangkok. Also, the existing products have a lot of aspects that could be improved.”

4.What is the process of making this project become real?

“First step, I did primary research on the market around Bangkok. Second step, I analyzed the product on the market. Third step, I did secondary research. Fourth step, sketched ideas. Fifth step, finalized my idea. Sixth step, bought the mockup model materials: wood, fiber glass, resin, and tools.

Then I started to strip scooter parts and made a mock model from wood to get a rough idea of the design. After that, I covered it with aluminum foil and started using fiberglass to make the model. Once I finished with the fiberglass, I used a body filler to refine the surface of the product. Then I did the color process.”

5.What were the challenges you faced with this project?

“The challenges of this project were finishing the design on paper and the process of making the model, which was the most challenging. The model making process took me about 2 months to complete.”

6.How do you feel now that the project is finished and completed?

“After I finished the project, I felt like I would like to apply for a job where I could design and make models because I really enjoyed my time with this one so much!”

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